A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."
Polyglot means someone who can speak multiple languages.
Bilingual refers to a person who is fluent in two languages.
The plural form of language is languages, e.g. "They speak several different languages at their home.
A word that sounds and is spelled the same in two different languages is called a cognate. This usually occurs when two languages share a common origin or have influenced each other throughout history.
In different cultures and languages the spelling of a word will change. Different languages have different spellings for word than what you are used to when spelling a word in English. The word nut in Thai is spelled Krayasat.
There is no word 'alllaaaaah' in English.
A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."
maison is french
Different words for "Efficiency" in different language
In Japanese, it is 'ongaku.'
Klingon: Dargh