The word name for the number 86012 is eighty-six thousand twelve.
One number name that can replace the word penny is cent. Another example of a number name for a penny is a copperhead coin.
Sixteen and seventy-two hundredths.
The written name for the number 43 is forty-three. Its ordinal number is forty-third.
8.031 = eight and thirty-one thousandths
There is not a specific word that is used to bold a number in a math equation. Generally, a number or letter is not bold in a math equation, if a letter is of significance, it is normally capitalized.
Yes, Address is the word for street number and name. It is also a word that is used for speeches etc.
Four hundredths.
The word could possibly be integer. That's the mathematical name for a whole number.
One number name that can replace the word penny is cent. Another example of a number name for a penny is a copperhead coin.
Sixteen and seventy-two hundredths.
The written name for the number 43 is forty-three. Its ordinal number is forty-third.
"Old" name? I wasn't aware there was a new name; it's been nitrogen pretty much ever since it was discovered.
Four and twenty-five thousandths.
8.031 = eight and thirty-one thousandths
A vanity number is a special telephone number that spells out a name or a special word on your telephone keypad. You can have it spell whatever you want.
Yes, the word "Roma" is a noun, the name a specific European ethnic group; the name of a number of cities around the world; a word for a person or a place.
There is not a specific word that is used to bold a number in a math equation. Generally, a number or letter is not bold in a math equation, if a letter is of significance, it is normally capitalized.