yes, also the wing span is about 6 cm
The Honduran White Bat lives in Central America, sometimes considered part of North America.
The honduran White Bat's biomes are along the lines of the tropical biomes.
Honduran White Bat
The honduran white bats eat fruits and vegetation, as to how they do it, I'd imagine in the same manner as other fruit bats of small size, and land near and nibble, though don't quote me on that.
The Honduran white bat give birth in the spring to only one pup. They keep them close and fed until the are ready to be on their own. A white bat group is called a 'colony or cloud'.
Honduran White Bat
snakes or other carnivorous animals
The Honduran white bat is a very small bat with snow white fur. They can live anywhere from 10 to 12 years.
1,000 feet wing span
12 to 13 inches