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The Elastic Modulus (aka Young's Modulus) for annealed 304 stainless steel is 193 GPa.

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(1+v)/E=7.1794X10-12 pa-1 2G=E/(1+v)=139.3Gpa(Isotropic material) G=69.65Gpa

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193 GPa, or 28,000,000 psi

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Q: What is the value of Shear Modulus for 304 stainless steel?
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Shear modulus or Rigidity modulus:For material subjected to shear, Within the elastic limit, the shear stress is proportional to the shear strain.The value of Modulus of rigidity for steel is 80 - 100KN/mm^2

Relationship between the shear stress and angle of shear?

Shear Stress divided by the Angle of Shear is equals to Shear Stress divided by Shear Strain which is also equals to a constant value known as the Shear Modulus. Shear Modulus is determined by the material of the object.

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What is shear modulus depends on?

Shear modulus, which is also often referred to as the modulus of rigidity or torsion modulus, is a measure of the rigid or stiff nature of different types of solid materials. It is derived from the material's ratio of its shear stress value to that of shear strain. Shear stress is a value of how much force is applied to a square area of a material, usually measured in pressure values of pascals. Strain is the amount that the material has deformed under stress divided by its original length. The shear modulus value is always a positive number and is expressed as an amount of force per unit area, which is generally recorded as metric gigapascals (GPa) because the values are more practical than English equivalents.

What is Value for shear modulus of steel?

it is 30,000 Ksi or 3 x 10 E6 psi or 207000MPa

What is the tangent modulus of mild steel?

The tangent modulus of steel varies depending on if the steel has yielded.If the steel has not yielded, and is still elastic (stresses less than approx. 275 MPa (39885 Psi) the tangent modulus will be equal to the Young's Modulus, 205 GPa (39885367)If the steel has yielded, the tangent modulus will be related by the Ramsberg-Osgood Equation, but a reasonable value to use would be approx. 1.5 GPa (2175565 Psi)

What is the value of a 1943 stainless steel penny?

Just regular steel, not stainless steel. That metal was too hard for use in coins back in 1943.

How much is stainless steel jewelry worth?

The value of stainless steel jewelry depends on many different factors. These factors include the design of the jewelry, who made the jewelry, and the amount of stainless steel in it.

What are the applications of modulus of rigidity?

Just as the modulus of elasticity , E, relates tensile stress to tensile strain, the modulus of rigidity, G, relates shear stress to shear strain. The modulus of rigidity, G, is, for isotropic materials, related to E as G = E/ (2(1+u)) where u = poisson ratio which varies from 0 to 0.5 and is usually 0.25-0.33 for many metals. tensile stress = Ee e = tensile strain shear stress = Gk k = shear strain

What is the value of a 38SW Model 10-7 Stainless?

The Model 10 is not made in stainless steel.

Known value of Young's Modulus for mild steel?

the modulus for brass is 91*109 Nm-2

What is the Young's modulus value for suspension system materials?

Usually a minimum of 200 GPa. This is the Young's Modulus for structural steel a common material for suspension systems. Steel is great in tension. Concrete is weak in tension.