This is a American Silver Eagle 1 ounce bullion coin. The value is tied to the spot price of silver at time of sale. As of 2-12-12 it's $33.59 per ounce. This price is a little less than you could buy it for and a little more than you could sell it for. But it gives you an idea of value. Collectors versions of this coin do have higher values.
NOTE: The spot price of silver and other precious metals changes by the minute when the market is open. So the value of this coin will go up and down.
A 2003 American Eagle Bullion Dollar in MS65 condition is: $24.00.
Value is about $18.00
4-23-11>> The value is tied to the spot price of silver at time of sale, today it's $46.61 per ounce.
A 2003 American Eagle Bullion Dollar in MS65 condition is: $24.00.
Value is about $18.00
Current value is about $29.00 dollars.
A 1992 American Eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS65 condition is worth: $24.00.
As of today the value is about $17.00 it's a bullion coin and the value is just for the silver. FYI it's called a Silver Eagle or American Silver Eagle coin
Current value as of 10-14-10 is $24.00
Retail price $22.00
A 1992 American Eagle Bullion Silver Dollar in MS65 condition is worth: $24.00.
A "colorized" silver eagle has no numismatic collectible value, but it's still one ounce of silver that's worth about $30.00.
The value of these bullion pieces is normally based on one ounce of silver, which currently has a spot price of around $14.
This is a American Silver Eagle bullion coin. The fact it has been colorized destroys the numismatic collectible value of the coin. The piece still has a value of about $30.00 for the silver it contains.