What is Indonesias currency?
Indonesia uses the Rupiah which is abbreviated Rp. Rupiah comes
in bills of 1,000 Rp, 2,000 Rp, 5,000 Rp, 10,000 Rp, 20,000 Rp,
50,000, and 100,000 Rp. Depending on exchange rates, normally all
you have to do to convert Rupiah to dollars is to take off 4
zero's. So 10,000 Rp is normally around one American dollar. The
coins in Indonesia come in 25 Rp. (about one fourth of a penny),
100 Rp, 500 Rp, and 1,000 Rp. It is somewhat difficult to find 25
Rp. coins as they are worth so little but merchandise in Indonesia
used to be so cheap that one could actually use th 25 Rp coins.
Items in Indonesia now are still cheap but not to that extent.