1 Mexican pesos is equal to 0.0932836 U.S. dollar [1 MXN = 0.0932836 USD]. AND 1 U.S. dollar is equal to 10.72 Mexican pesos [1 USD = 10.7200 MXN]. So if you do the math, 10,000 pesos is about $932.83 USD.
More Currency Conversions:
The value of 10000 pesos is approximately $100.00 because presently the peso is 10.37 pesos to 1.00 US. the date of the bill is irrelevant.
about 17 u.s. dollars
At a currency exchange
http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?amt=20000&from=MXN&to=USD&submit=Convert I did a quick google search. There are a variety of sites on the internet that will convert currency for you. Examples such as the above are likely to have the most current conversion rate. 20,000 pesos is about $1,482 USD.
0 It was discontinued in the early 90s because 1,000,000 Intis was equal to 1 of their new currency
The value of 10000 pesos is approximately $100.00 because presently the peso is 10.37 pesos to 1.00 US. the date of the bill is irrelevant.
about 17 u.s. dollars
At a currency exchange
An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.
20,000 pesos are equal to $1,707.94 in US dollars.
10000 pesos is about 731$
Currently, 100 US Dollars = 1280.88 Mexican Pesos.
10,000 Mexican pesos are worth 740.12 US dollars as of 11-6-11.
198550.00Colombian Pesos =US $
An exchange rate if the value of currency of one country compared to that of Another Country. For example, it would be the value of a US Dollar measured by the value of Mexican Pesos.
http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?amt=20000&from=MXN&to=USD&submit=Convert I did a quick google search. There are a variety of sites on the internet that will convert currency for you. Examples such as the above are likely to have the most current conversion rate. 20,000 pesos is about $1,482 USD.