Singapore is GMT+8,and Myanmar is GMT +6.5, so Myanmar time is 1.5 hour behind Singapore. Example, Singapore 3pm, will be 1:30pm in Myanmar
The time difference between Singapore and the United Arab Emirates is 4 hours. Singapore is 4 hours ahead of the UAE.
There is no time difference between Singapore and Batam. Both locations are in the same time zone, which is UTC+7.
The time difference between Singapore and Male, Maldives, is one hour. Male is one hour behind Singapore.
The time difference between London, United Kingdom and Singapore is typically 8 hours. London is 8 hours behind Singapore.
Wellington is 5 hours ahead of Singapore. For example, when it is 12:00 PM in Singapore, it is 5:00 PM on the same day in Wellington.
There is no time difference between Singapore and China.
There is no time difference between Singapore (UTC+8) and Macau (UTC+8).
There is never a time difference between Singapore and the Philippines. 8 PM SGT = 8 PM PHT
The time difference between Singapore and the United Arab Emirates is 4 hours. Singapore is 4 hours ahead of the UAE.
Please refer to below link for reference: =)
There is no time difference between Singapore and Batam. Both locations are in the same time zone, which is UTC+7.
Singapore is always 2½ hours ahead of India.
Singapore is always 5 hrs. ahead of Qatar.
Japan is always one hour ahead of Singapore.
The time difference between Singapore and Male, Maldives, is one hour. Male is one hour behind Singapore.
1 hour. Singapore time GMT+8 meanwhile Jakarta time GMT+7