"Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan" follows the story of Will, a young orphan who trains to become a Ranger under the guidance of Halt. As Will learns the skills of a Ranger and forms bonds with his mentor and his fellow apprentices, he must face a dangerous threat to his kingdom and prove himself as a capable hero. The book explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and self-discovery as Will navigates through challenges and adventures. It sets the stage for a series of books that follow Will's journey as a Ranger.
So young Will is not so young now, as he has graduated and moved on, and where the book picks up, he is going to his little fief that is pretty much in the middle of no where, when he runs into Skandians, a dog-abusing farmer, and much more. Alyss comes in the midst of all this and tells him of a highly secretive mission where details will be explained via Halt and Crowley at the Ranger Gathering grounds. Will rushes over to find out that something has happened to Lord Syron, leader of Castle Macindaw, a small garrison in the north, right next to the border of Araluen and Picta, where rumors of a sorceror have popped up and curse on the family. As Will tries to work this out, Alyss gets captured by the enemy and Horace shows up to help, and now it's only a matter of time before the enemy wins and someone ends up dead.
60, It was Rangers Apprentice Book 1 Ruins of Gorlan
60, It was Rangers Apprentice Book 1 Ruins of Gorlan
there is 249 pages plus the extra book previews
In book one of The Rangers Apprentice the characters solving the problem are Will, Halt, Gilan, Sir Rodeny, and The Baron.
Towards the end of page 206. It's right after Will gives Halt a blumpkin.
i do not now i do now the summary on chapter 1-6 srry
The ISBN of Sorcerer's Apprentice - book - is 1-55970-580-9.
Book one in Ranger's Apprentice is the Ruins of Gorlan. It has 249 pages.
in book 1 he is 15 but as time goes on he is as old as 25 (the last book 11)
Will receives his silver oakleaf in the end of book 1
I don't know, read the book.