The suffix for a collection of objects is "-tion" or "-sion." For example, "collection" becomes "collection" for a group of collections, and "organization" becomes "organization" for a group of organizations.
COLLECT. Noo suffix and no prefix hun ;D
The suffix -age typically forms nouns indicating an action, process, or result of an action or process. It is often used to denote a collection or set of things related to the root word.
The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."
The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".
The suffix of inundate is -ate. This suffix means in condition of.
COLLECT. Noo suffix and no prefix hun ;D
The suffix pedia comes from the Greek and means learning or a collection. Thus it is used in the word encyclopedia to mean a collection of general knowledge.
The medical suffix for tumor is -oma. This suffix can also be used to refer to a mass or collection of fluid.
A dish of anything fried., A state of excitement; as, to be in a fry.
data on or collection of. Commonly used to convert proper nouns into mass nouns. Ex: Americana.
A xanthoma is a yellow plaque. Atheromas may also be yellow. The suffix -oma means mass or collection. Atheromas are collections of plaque into the lumen (opening) of an artery, weaking the muscle lining.
The suffix -age typically forms nouns indicating an action, process, or result of an action or process. It is often used to denote a collection or set of things related to the root word.
The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."
The suffix -hood denotes a collection or group. The word "neighbor" comes from Old English nēahgebūr, from nēah 'nigh, near' + gebūr 'inhabitant, peasant, farmer
The suffix of "moon" is "-oon".
There is no suffix in misjudge.
The suffix of inundate is -ate. This suffix means in condition of.