The square root of 85 is 9.21954445729288707412
Note: 9.21954445729288707412 x 9.21954445729288707412 = 85
Square root 85 = ± 9.2195444572929
85 square meters = 914.932 square feet (rounded)
The square root of 85 correct to the nearest tenth is 9.2
Square root 85 = ± 9.2195444572929
85 acres = 3,702,600ft²
85 square meters = 914.932 square feet (rounded)
85 square meters is 914.93 square feet.
7,225 square inches or 50.17 square feet.
square root of 85 is 9.2195444 but the in the simplest radical is square root of 5 times square root of 17
The square root of 85 correct to the nearest tenth is 9.2
The two square numbers that total 85 are 64 and 21. The square root of 64 is 8, and the square root of 21 is approximately 4.58. When you add 64 and 21 together, you get 85.
The square root of 7225 is 85.