speed limit at uncontrolled intersections in Alberta is approx. 25 km/hrs because the roads are narrows and vehicles are parked on both sides.If your speed is more than 25 it is hard to identify the hazards.
20 kms
15 mph for alleys, blind uncontrolled railroad crossings and blind uncontrolled intersections
Whatever the speed limit of the road you are driving on. There is no specific limit just for a railroad crossing.
The speed limit is 15 MPH when a person comes with in 100 feet of a railroad crossing and can not see the tracks for 400 feet in both directions. If there is a flag person at a railroad crossing the car must stop 15 to 50 feet from railroad.
In California the speed limit of 15 is applied to a few locations and scenarios.Most school zones have a speed limit of 25 mph, while some have a speed limit of 15.Speed limits for blind intersections are 15 mph.All alleys are 15 mph drive zones.Drivers must reduce speeds to 15 mph when 100 feet away from railroad tracks if they cannot see the tracks for 400 feet in either direction.Did you know that it is illegal to pass a school bus when its red lights are flashing?
What is the speed limit in a residentiol area? What does this sign mean T ? What is the speed limit in alleys? How far away can you park by a railroad track?
826 limit
Yes they have to follow a certain speed limit while they are going through a town,city,or even a suburb. * Added - In the US, for every train line and for every train there are speed limits both imposed by regulation and by railroad rules. By Federal regulation, trains are limited to certain speeds based upon the condition of the track and how often it is inspected. In addition, depending upon the type of train and the particular locomotives and cars in the train, Federal regulations and railroad rules impose speed limits. The most restrictive speed limit, meaning the slowest, that applies to the train is the speed limit the train must obey. Additional speed limits that reduce the speed further may be imposed temporarily or permanently for many reasons.
the posted speed limit