melody o balicoco
No, lotus flowers grow separately from lily pads. Lotus flowers emerge from the water on tall stems, while lily pads float on the surface of the water and are part of the plant structure of water lilies.
A structural adaptation of the sampaguita plant is the bright petals of the flower to attract insects. It also has cell walls on all its cells.
Stomata in lotus are primarily located on the upper surface of the leaves. This adaptation helps to minimize water loss through transpiration by reducing exposure to sunlight and wind, which can promote evaporation. The positioning of stomata on the upper surface also allows for efficient gas exchange and absorption of carbon dioxide.
the leaves are water containers
melody o balicoco
the leaf
No, lotus flowers grow separately from lily pads. Lotus flowers emerge from the water on tall stems, while lily pads float on the surface of the water and are part of the plant structure of water lilies.
A water plant
Lotus plant disperse its seeds by water!
A structural adaptation of the sampaguita plant is the bright petals of the flower to attract insects. It also has cell walls on all its cells.
The adaptations of lotus plant are :The roots of the lotus plant are short and their main purpose is anchor the plant in its position . Stems are hollow to make the plant light and enable them to float . The leaves of lotus plant are large and flat. They have a waxy upper surface that makes them waterproof. They also have on the upper surface.
The Lotus Plant