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Cuantos minutos tiene una hora?
The literal translation is "How many weeks are there in a month?"
Translation: how many professors/ teachers are there in the Spanish class?
The English translation for cuántos is "how many" or "how much".
Cuantos is an interrogative adjective in Spanish that means "how many" or "how much." It is used to ask questions about quantity.
Sin acento en cuantos como está escrito (without accent on "cuantos"):The number of chairs.
Cuantos anos
Informal: cuantos anos tienes? Formal: cuantos anos tiene Vd (=usted)?
Informal: cuantos anos tienes? Formal: cuantos anos tiene Vd (=usted)?
cuantos años tienes?
Cuantos anos tiene ella?
"How many pencils?", in Spanish...