For the most part, water has an indefinite shelf life. Bottled water sometimes has an expiration date, but this doesn't mean that the water has gone bad if you drink it past that date. However, if you open the bottle and the water smells strange, then you should dispose of it.
Demineralised water does not have an expiration date or shelf life as long as it is stored properly in a clean and sealed container. However, it is recommended to use it within a reasonable timeframe to prevent any contamination.
The shelf life is normally about four to six years on a five gallon bottle of water. That is if it is closed. If it is all ready open you may just want to throw it out.
I eat it too fast to find out.
Whar is the shelf life of the " Idioms "
Once reconstituted with water, oral suspension shelf life is as short as five days but possibly effective up to 15 days, especially if refrigerated.
The shelf life of Chloramphenicol when it is unopened is 24 months. The shelf life when it's opened is 28 days.
Oxidization reduces the shelf of tint. This is why it is important to prevent exposure to air and water, elements which propagate oxidization.
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