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Q: What is the scientific name for cellar spiders?
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What is scientic name for yard spider?

The scientific name for common yard spider is Araneus diadematus.

What id the scientific name for spiders?


The scientific name for spiders?

A ti the rachnid

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The scientific name for a daddy long leg is Pholcus phalangioides.

What is the common name and scientific name of spider?

The common name for spiders is simply "spider." The scientific name for spiders is "Araneae."

What is the scientific name of the daddy long legs spider?

It depends what species you are referring to. There is the crane fly. It's scientific name is Nephrotoma.You are probably referring to the cellar spider or the harvestmen. The cellar spideris most likely the spider you are talking about. It's scientific name is Pholcus phalangioides. There harvestmen's scientific name is Hadrobunus grandis.

Camel spider scientific name?

The scientific name for the camel spider is Solifugae. Camel spiders are not actually spiders but belong to the order Solifugae, which is a distinct group of arachnids.

What is a black jumping spider's scientific name?

The scientific name for the black jumping spider is Phidippus audax.

What are the most common spiders in Wisconsin?

Jumpimg spiders, wolf spiders, fishing spiders, cobweb spiders, barn spiders, cellar spiders, funnel spider (grass spider), garden spider.

What is the scientific name for sea spiders?

The scientific name for sea spiders is Pycnogonida. They are not truly spiders but are marine arthropods found in oceans around the world.

Scientific name for the garden spider?

The scientific name for the garden spider is Araneus diadematus.

What types of Spiders are in California?

Some common types of spiders found in California include black widows, brown widows, cellar spiders, wolf spiders, and garden spiders. It is also home to the desert recluse spider and tarantulas in certain regions.