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No. The actually group of snakes classified as "water snakes" are non venomous. However, there are many semi aquatic and aquatic species that are venmous, but go by other names. If you see a snake and do not know what species it is, then treat it as if it might be venomous and leave it alone.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A water snake and a fish don't have anything in common except the fact that they both live in water. Other than that, they are two completely different species of animal. A water snake is a type of snake and a fish is, well, a fish.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No a water snake is still considered a reptile.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No - a water snake is a reptile.

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No, it's a reptile.

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Q: Is water snake an amphibian
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Are snakes amphibian?

No, snakes are not amphibians. They are reptiles. Amphibians are a separate class of animals that includes frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.

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No. An amphibian is an animal; a living thing. Water is a substance; it is not alive.

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No. It is not an amphibian. It will die if it is not in water.

Is a barb fish amphibian?

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