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Depends on experience but usually anywhere from $17-$20 an hour for beginner and intermediate instructors. Some schools will go up to $25 if you have many years of experience.

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$15-18 hr for learning leaders

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9.90 an hour

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Q: How much do cosmetology instructors make?
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Just Cosmetology School, The instructors will teach you everything you need to know to pass boards.

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How much do sailing instructors get paid?

It of course depends on where you are but it seems to range from 450-900 a week during the summer for regular instructors. Actual college coaches who instruct additionally in the summer and head instructors of programs with any level of relative prestige make around 850-1900 a week depending on resume and yacht club. Instructors at institutes or general non-yacht-clubs make less

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What does Skin have to do with Cosmetology?

Cosmetology actually has much to do with skin. A cosmetologist is a beauty specialist who applies cosmetics to beautify skin.

How much does it cost to go to cosmetology school in Maine including roomboard and food?

How much does it cost to go to cosmetology school in Maine including roomboard and food?"

What schools offer effects make-up courses?

Cosmetology schools offer courses in the use of make-up. To search for a cosmetology school near you, see the Related Link.

How do the majority of the people in Maine make a living?

ski instructors, whitewater rafting instructors, park rangers, fishermen, lumberjacks

Is cosmetology a good field and what do I need to know?

Cosmetology can be a farily lucrative career choice if you get into the right shop, and if you are really good at what you do, you can make a decent living.

How much does a Veterinary Technician Instructor Make?

That depends on what type of "instructor position" it is and what educational facility they are employed in. Veterinary technician instructors may be adjunct instructors who fill part time roles teaching specific topics/courses, full time instructors or even program directors for veterinary technology or veterinary assisting programs.

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How much does cosmetology school costs?

Cosmetology school cost is not too bad when compared to other forms of schooling. So what determines the answer to how much cosmetology school? The cost of cosmetology school depends on the beauty school and its location. Cosmetology schools inside or close to major metropolitan cities like New York or Boston will likely endure cosmetology school costs around $10,000 for full, comprehensive cosmetology programs. The cost of cosmetology school for the same comprehensive cosmetology program in a rural area could be a low as $6,500.00. If you're looking to complete a more specific program to become a certified esthetician or licensed nail technician, cosmetology school costs will be much less, often anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000 depending on the beauty program and location of the cosmetology school.