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It is called equivalent fractions 1\2 1/4 1/8

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Q: What is the rule for fraction by fraction?
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Related questions

What is the rule for zero as the numerator in a fraction?

The rule is if the numerator is zero than the value of the fraction is zero.

What is refund fraction?

it's the rule of 78s

What is the general rule of fraction?

A fraction is a rational number that can be converted into a decimal or vice versa

What is the general rule for writing a mixed number as a imprper fraction?

As an improper fraction the numerator will be greater than the denominator or it will be a 'top heavy' fraction

What is the invert and multiply rule in mathematics?

You may be referring to the rule for dividing fractions. To divide one fraction by another, you invert the second fraction (exchange numerator and denominator), and multiply instead.

How would you use the multiplication rule to find common denominators?

multiply the nominator and denominator of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction

What form of political power allows only a small fraction to rule?


Did Alexander the Great rule the world?

A mere fraction of it - from Egypt to today's Pakistan.

Why do you need to simplify fraction?

because when we simplify fractions it will give you the correct answer and that is the rule.

What is a tabe organizing the input rule and output of a fraction called?

It is a function with fractions as output.

What is the rule for changing a fraction to percentage?

first you turn the fraction into a decimal and once it is turned into a decimal, you move the point over twice to the right. for example: ½=.50 =50%

Why do you invert the divisor when you divide a fraction by a fraction?

Because that is just how it works mathematically If you divide one vulgar (or common) fraction by a second vulgar fraction, the rule is: Invert the second fraction and then multiply them together. It is too difficult to explain why this works, using typed explanation on the computer, but just accept that it works.