The room on a ship where meals are cooked is called the galley. It is typically located below deck and is equipped with cooking appliances such as stoves, ovens, and refrigeration units. The galley is an essential part of a ship's operation, as it is where the crew prepares meals for everyone on board.
the galley or kitchen
The kitchen on a ship is kmown as the Galley.
Aboard a wooden sailing ship, fire is a major concern. There was usually an area with bricks on which a fire could be built for cooking. There would not be a separate room for that.
Most meals weren't cooked, they were prepared, but when they were cooked, they were cooked in the "forecastle" of the ship. This is forwards the front and right off the deck on the same level.
The kitchen on a ship is kmown as the Galley.
That would be the galley.
Meals weren't cooked on ships in this time. There was too great a chance of the ship catching fire. The crew ate dried meat, water, and hard tack.
On military vessels the room where the officers met and ate their meals is called the Ward Room.
Home cooked meals are healthier, fast food meals are usually not good for you.
not if they are cooked.
the galley. The galley is the kitchen of the ship. The best explanation as to its origin is that it is a corruption of "gallery". Ancient sailors cooked their meals on a brick or stone gallery laid amidships.