You will never - repeat NEVER get any celebrities 'real contact number' on here - or anywhere else ! Celebrities need their personal space - just as you do. If their 'real' numbers were public knowledge - they'd be getting calls from drunken 'fans' at 3am ! Would you tolerate that ?.. I think not !
The number that you have quoted is a mobile (cell) phone number.
This number is a mobile (cell) phone number.
A cell phone number is a number that is assigned a mobile phone.
This is a mobile (cell) phone number.
This is a mobile (cell) phone number
This is a mobile (cell) phone number.
This is a mobile (cell) phone number.
A mobile phone number is a phone number that a cell phone has
This is a mobile (cell) phone number.
This is a UK mobile (cell phone) number.
It isn't. It is a mobile (cell) phone number.
mobile identification number