It is 48.
Percent is like a fraction and a decimal. It shows the ratio of PART to WHOLE.PART / WHOLE144/ 300 = 0.48which equals 48%
fraction is equivalent to the ratio 16 and 48 = 16/48 or 1/3
48 : 9 cannot be simplified.
The ratio is 1:25 4 percent as a ratio is 0.04 : 1
48% as a ratio = 48 : 100
It is: 2 to 1
That would be 62 or 63 percent, depending on how you round the .625 that is the value of the ratio 30/48.
It is 48.
125 percent percent of 48 = 0.6
48 out of 2400 is what percent
25 percent of 48 is 12. You cannot write the 12 as a percent because it is the part of 48.
Since the antecedent of the ratio is prime, it is impossible to cancel this ratio of 17:48 down any further.
30 percent of 48 is (0.3 x 48) = 14.4 30 percent is (0.3/48) = 0.00625 of 48
Percent is like a fraction and a decimal. It shows the ratio of PART to WHOLE.PART / WHOLE144/ 300 = 0.48which equals 48%
fraction is equivalent to the ratio 16 and 48 = 16/48 or 1/3
A percent is a ratio of a number to 100.