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The purpose of the 10th amendment was to secure the rights of the states from a large national government.

It says that any power not delegated (given) to the national government nor prohibited by it to the states (article 1 section 10) is given to the states or the people.

This prohibited the federal government from gaining too much power, and giving all issues not given to the federal government to the states

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Hailee Vandervort

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2y ago
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11y ago

The purpose of the 10th Amendment is to define the division and establishment of power between state governments and the Federal government. The 10th Amendment was used to specify federal police power, federal taxing power, and federal regulations.

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13y ago

The tenth amendment was put into place to state that any rights and/or powers not specifically given to the federal government are to be reserved to the state governments or to the people.

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Q: What is the purpose of the tenth amendments?
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