A feedthrough is a conductor used to carry a signal through a circuit board. They have two main catagories which are power and instrumentation. Power feedthroughs are used to carry a high pwer or high voltage. Instrumentation are used to carry a low voltage electric signal.
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the purpose of gateway is to combine hardware and software
The purpose of a login is simply to verify a user's identity.
The purpose of a safety device is to reduce the danger of injury.
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Breakthrough, clickthrough, feedthrough, readthrough, walkthrough,
Most probably the receptacles downstream from the GFCI would not be protected by the GFCI receptacle.
Pedestal errors arise because of charge injection and clock-feedthrough when the switch is opened. One way to reduce this effect is to insert dummy-transistors in series to switch.
the purpose of this is to have a purpose
What is the purpose of this sentence?I did not do that on purpose.
Opinions vary as to the purpose of the best sentence for the use of the word 'purpose'. This serves no purpose. I reached out to the porpoise on purpose.
The general purpose is the overall intent of your speech. The specific purpose is a goal stated in a complete sentence. Overall, the general purpose and specific purpose are different because they both mean different things. The specific purpose is just really a goal stated in your sentence and the general purpose is just the purpose of your speech.GENERAL PURPOSE: purpose of your speech.SPECIFIC PURPOSE: the goal or the main idea in your speech.
aesthetic purpose is the purpose of the asthetical question or answer
A by-purpose is an indirect or incidental purpose for an object or an action.
A by-purpose is an indirect or incidental purpose for an object or an action.
That is a trick question and purpose does have a meaning.If purpose has no meaning, then the meaning of purpose is the subjective experience of seeking a reason to defend the ego against assault.this is very complicated______Hey, I may add this to the guy up there.What's the purpose of breathing?To live.What's the purpose of playing?To have fun.What's the purpose of living?To make a difference.What's the purpose of purpose?To have a reason. To have an opinion.~Chelseam2------------------------------------------------------------------There is no purpose that has no meaning.
what is the purpose of the clam-cleat what is the purpose of the clam-cleat