"TCHEE-bo" is the pronunciation of the Italian word cibo. The masculine singular noun in question may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the"). It also translates into English as "fare" and "nourishment."
Cibo is an Italian equivalent of the English word "chow." The masculine singular noun translates literally into English as "food." The pronunciation will be "TCHEE-bo" in Italian.
Cibo del cuore is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "heart food".Specifically, the masculine noun cibo is "food". The word del means "of the". The masculine noun cuoretranslates as "heart".The pronunciation will be "TCHEE-boh dehl KWOH-rey" in Italian.
Cibo is an Italian equivalent of the English word "food".Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its singular form. It may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the"). The pronunciation will be "TCEE-bo" in Italian.
"Excellent food" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase cibo eccellente.Specifically, the masculine noun cibo means "food." The feminine/masculine adjective eccellente means "excellent." The pronunciation is "TCHEE-boh ETCH-tchehl-LEHN-teh."
Mangiabile is an Italian equivalent of the English word "eatable".Specifically, the word is an adjective in its singular form. There is just the one form in the singular regardless of whether the food item in question is of feminine or masculine gender. The pronunciation will be "mahn-DJAH-bee-ley" in Italian.
Cibo divino is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "divine food".Specifically, the masculine noun cibo means "food". The masculine adjective divino translates as "divine". The pronunciation will be "TCHEE-bo dee-VEE-no" in Italian.
Cibo pazzesco is one Italian equivalent of the English phrase "craze food."Specifically, the masculine noun cibo means "food." The masculine adjective pazzesco translates as "crazy." The pronunciation will be "TCHEE-bo pat-TSEY-sko" in Italian.
"Cibo rapido" or the English loan word "Fast food" may be Italian equivalents of "fast food."Specifically, the masculine noun "cibo" means "food." Its singular definite article is "il" ("the"). The masculine adjective "rapido" means "fast, quick, rapid."The pronunciation is "TCHEE-boh RAH-pee-doh."
Piatto di cibo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "plate of food".Specifically, the masculine noun piatto is "dish, plate". The preposition di means "of". The masculine noun cibo translates as "food".The pronunciation will be "PYAT-to dee TCHEE-bo" in Italian.
Cibo, cucina, and nutrimento are Italian equivalents of the English word "food."Specifically, the masculine noun cibo is "food" in general. The feminine noun cucina means "food" in the sense of "cuisine." The masculine noun nutrimentotranslates as "food" in terms of "nourishment."The respective pronunciations will be "TCHEE-bo," "koo-TCHEE-na," and NOO-tree-MEN-to" in Italian.cibo
Per il cibo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "for the food."Specifically, the preposition per means "for." The masculine singular definite article il means "the." The masculine noun cibo means "food."The pronunciation is "peh-reel TCHEE-boh."