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Most children with innocent heart murmurs grow out of them by the time they reach adulthood. Severe causes of heart murmurs may progress to severe symptoms and death

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Q: What is the prognosis for heart murmurs?
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Where online can I find information about heart murmurs?

There are many websites online that have information on heart murmurs. WebMD is one website that has information on heart murmurs as well as symptoms.

What are murmurs?

Those which occur during relaxation of the heart between beats are called diastolic murmurs. Those which occur during contraction of the heart muscle are called systolic murmurs

What are pathologic heart murmurs?

Pathologic heart murmurs may indicate the presence of a serious heart defect. They are louder, continual, and may be accompanied by a click or gallop

What are diastolic murmurs?

Those which occur during relaxation of the heart between beats are called diastolic murmurs. Those which occur during contraction of the heart muscle are called systolic murmurs

What kind of heart murmurs should be investigated further?

Very loud heart murmurs and those with clicks or extra heart sounds should be evaluated further. Infants with heart murmurs who do not thrive, eat, or breath properly and older children who lose consciousness suddenly or are intolerant to exercise

Are heart murmurs in dogs hereditary?

Yes, heart murmurs in dogs are hereditary. Generally any heart problems that the mother or the father of a dog has is usually passed down to the puppies.

What part of the heart is most often associated with heart murmurs?


Murmur in a sentence?

Some people have a heart condition called a heart murmur. Heart murmurs are irregular heartbeats. Most people grow out of heart murmurs.

What are statistics of heart murmur?

In the newborn population, the prevalence of heart murmurs is between 0.6% and 4.2%.Among infants and children, an estimated 90% will have a heart murmur at some point during their infancy or childhood. Approximately 50% to 70% of infants and children are reported to have a heart murmur identified during a routine physical exam, but of all pediatric heart murmurs, less than 1% are caused by a congenital heart defect. About 70% of heart murmurs are asymptomatic in infants and children, and asymptomatic murmurs may be either innocent or pathologic.

What causes the heart murmur?

Some murmurs are caused by heart valves that do not close completely.

What are heart murmurs and what is their clinical significance?

A heart murmurs is an abnormal sound consisting of a clicking, rushing, or gurgling noise that either is heard before, between , or after the normal sounds, or may may mask the normal heart sounds.

What can cause innocent heart murmurs?

caused by blood flowing through the chambers and valves of the heart or the blood vessels near the heart. Sometimes anxiety, stress, fever, anemia, overactive thyroid, and pregnancy will cause innocent murmurs