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Each of the exhaust analyzers will need to meet certain requirements. You can find out what these are by looking online.

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Q: What is the principle of working of exhaust gas analyser?
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How exhaust gas analyser works?

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What is necessity of exhaust gas analyser?

it recirculates the unburned gases intake through the engine and burs it to reduce emission

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instron is a company's name which makes scientific instrument like water vapour permeabilty analyser, gas permeability analyser. where texture analyser is itself an instrument which analyses texture of food or medicine etc using different probes.

What would cause gas in the exhaust on a motorcycle?

Exhaust of an engine is a gas.

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There is that pesky factor associated with injecting fuel into the exhaust gas stream and having it burn. This adds a lotof energy to the exhaust gas stream. (That's why we do it.) The result is an observed increase in both the pressure and the velocity of that exhaust gas. Bernoulli was aware of this variable, and he said so. But he didn't write his law based on making a major chemical and physical alteration to the fluid stream.

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Exhaust gas pipe has what colour?

Exhaust gas pipes are silver and are made of metal.

What would cause engine oil to be in the radiator in a 2006 Yamaha Raptor 700?

Could be a blown head gasket or one of your mates is playing tricks on you. Is there any water in the engine oil, it will be a creamy white sort of colour. If you have access to a exhaust gas analyser stick the sniffer in the radiator just above the water when it is hot. If it picks up exhaust gases you have a blown head gasket.

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What is in an exhaust for a 1995 Isuzu trooper?

exhaust gas

How do ATV exhaust systems work?

the spent exhaust gas goes out the exhaust