Do you mean flexion and (abd)uction?? If so, the prime mover would be the deltoid muscle with many smaller muscles assisting. If you are in fact meaning flexion and adduction, the prime mover would be the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi with many smaller muscles assisting.
The prime mover for the hip is the gluteus maximus. It is the most powerful muscle responsible for extending the hip joint, moving the thigh backward.
The prime mover of hip abduction is the gluteus medius muscle. It is responsible for moving the thigh away from the midline of the body.
Because shoulder horizontal adduction is performed when the arm is horizontal position (i.e., the elbow is level with shoulder) and adduction is movement toward the center of the body, shoulder horizontal adduction is performed primarily by pectoralis major and anterior deltoid, with an assist by latissimus dorsi.
The prim mover for hip flexion is the Rectus femoris. This is a quadricep muscle that crosses the hip joint.
Gluteus medius is prime mover.Other abductors are:Gluteus MinimusTensor Fascia Latae (TFL)Sartorius
Hip abduction, as well as hip adduction, is in the frontal plane.
The deltoid is the prime mover in shoulder abduction. It's two antagonists are the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi.
prime mover (agonist)
posterior mucsles
Hip adduction occurs in the frontal plane of motion. This movement involves bringing the leg toward the midline of the body.
hip flexor