1.00 per ounce
The average price per troy ounce of gold in 1995 was $383.79
The average price per troy ounce of gold in 1991 was $362.11
The average price per troy ounce of gold in 1900 was $18.96
The average price for a troy ounce of gold in 1920 was $20.68
Currently the price of gold per ounce is $1,421.45.
Currently, it is $1.15 per pound and $0.07 per ounce.
As of 6 September 2012, the market price of silver is $32.62 per ounce.
$1005.05 per ounce
how much is silver selling for per ounce price per sterling ounce of silver silver per troy ounce how much is silver per ounce anyique Rogers silverware , How Much “how much is silver per ounce What is the per ounce price of silver? Curent price of silver 4 oz of 99.9 percent of silver worth how much is sivler per ounce 1 Troy Ounce of Silver, 99.9% pure silver HOW MUCH IS SILVER PER GRAM? How much is sterling silver an ounce? current price of silver per ounce price of silver how much is silver per once? how much is silver per ounce currant price of silver What is the value of a silver coin containing one ounce of silver i have 10 grams how much is that worth today how much is silver per ounce? What is value of aMorgan dollar? what is the price of silver by the ounce how much is sterling silver going for now? I have a sterling silver chain and pendant that weighs about .5 oz. What is its approximate
The average price of gold in 2009 was around $972 per ounce.
15,000 per ounce