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Omelette IS the preferred spelling.

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Q: What is the preferred spelling of omelette?
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Related questions

What is the preferred spelling of omelet?

This word originates in French, so the correct spelling is Omelette. However, omelet is also listed in some dictionaries and has reached a high level of use. It would be churlish to correct it.

How do you spell omelet?

You have it right because it's one spelling of the word. The other spelling is omelette, from the French. This is one of those "opinion" spellings.

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pajamas (American preferred spelling) pyjamas (British preferred spelling)

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Omelette is the correct spelling which means a fried type egg to eat

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The spelling "omelette" is a variant of the spelling omelet (an egg dish).

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Either gray or grey are correct spellings. Grey with an e is the spelling preferred by the British, where gray with the letter a is the preferred spelling by Americans.

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