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Prairie dogs only live in one biome, and that is the Grassland. Prairie is Grassland, so the common/slang name of these gophers should be a dead give-away.

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southern semi arid highlands

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Where prairie dog live?

farm staets

What does a prairie dog live in?

A hole or burrow.

What content does a prairie dog live in?

north america

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Where do prairie dog's live?

I've seen a lot in South DakotaIn the prairie, in the ground.

What kind of live animal was sent to the president Jefferson?

A live prairie dog.

How did the prairie dog get its name?

This name is must come from where prairie dogs live. (Prairie dogs live in short-grass prairies and mountain plains of the western USA and Mexico.) The 'dogs' part of their name comes from their warning call, which sounds like a dog's bark.

Do Black-tailed prairie dog live in the desert?

the answer is yes

What are the main differences between prairie dogs and domestic dogs?

Prairie dogs are rodents - they have chisel-shaped teeth and eat plants. They also live in burrows.True dogs are canines - they have pointed teeth to eat meat and live on top of the ground.

How many prairie dog babies usu ally live to adulthood?

female prairie dogs live to 8 years and male prairie dogs live up to 7 years. In captivity it is much longer

What kind of an environment does a prairie dog live in?

The north american prairies

What animals live in the Prairie?

Animals that live in the prairie include bison, prairie dogs, coyotes, deer, and various species of birds such as meadowlarks and sparrows. Insects like grasshoppers and butterflies are also common in prairie ecosystems. These animals have adapted to the grasslands by utilizing the wide open spaces and abundant plant life for food and shelter.