

Best Answer

United States: You are under arrest for (charge, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been given to you?


You are being arrested for (charge), you are not obliged to say or do anything unless you wish to do so, but whatever you say or do may be used in evidence. Do you understand?


You are under arrest for (charge), do you understand? You have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. We will provide you with a toll free telephone lawyer referral service, if you do not have your own lawyer. Anything you say can be used in court as evidence. Do you understand? Would you like to speak to a lawyer?

United Kingdom:

I am arresting you on suspicion of (charge), you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not answer in question something you later rely in court anything you do say may be given in evidence.

This is what i have heard.


You have the right to ask for assistance of a lawyer; you have the right to answer questions about your identity, to answer other questions or to remain silent.

All conversation you have with your lawyer will remain confidential.


You are being charged with (charge); you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to consult an attorney before any interview, and you have right to name any evidence in your favor.


You have the right to remain silent, to answer only some questions asked or to express your wish to declare only in front of a judge. You have the right to withdrawal evidence against yourself, as well as not to confess your guilt. You have the right to legal representation by a private or state funded attorney, that will assist you during the hearings and procedures. You have the right to inform a member of their family or the person you would like about the fact of the detention itself as well as their location at every moment of the proceedings. You have the right to undergo a medical examination by a forensic doctor.


You are not obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so but what you say may be put into writing and given in evidence.

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Q: What is the police caution statement?
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Difference between police warning and police caution?

Warning is in England, caution in USA

Is there a reason the caution tape used by police are yellow?

The caution tape used by police officers is yellow so that it stands out and is noticeable by the general public. Usually when caution tape is up it is because it is a crime scene.

What does police caution tape say?

Usually the tape says "Police line, do not cross".

What is the Police Caution in the UK?

Before arresting somebody a Police Officer must give the suspect a caution. Here is the Police Caution in the UK: "You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." Then the officer asks, "Do you understand?" The caution differs in different countries, but is based around the same kind of message.

Can a police caution prevent you from joining the army?

I would think not.

What is the verb for caution?

Caution is already a verb.Other verbs are cautions, cautioning and cautioned, depending on the tense.Some example sentences for you are:"I am going to caution you for speeding"."The officer cautions the speeding driver"."It looks like the police are cautioning that driver over there"."My mum will kill me when she hears I was cautioned by the police".

Could your written statement be used in court against your husband in NJ the police asked for a statement they said for their files and then arrested him?

No one can be compelled to give a statement to the police. If the police do obtain a statement from someone, they are free to use it as they please.

How do you change a police statement?

It is generally illegal and unethical to change a police statement. If you need to correct or update information in your statement, you should contact the police department handling your case and provide them with the new information. Changing a statement dishonestly can have legal consequences.

What is the police's mission statement?

Police mission statement:To Serve and Protect.

How much detail does a CRB check show if you have a caution?

A CRB check will usually show details of the caution that has been issued against you. This includes the date of the caution, the offense that led to the caution, and any other relevant details that were recorded during the caution process.

How long does a UK juvenile police caution for possession of cannabis last?

5 years

Will a cannabis caution 2 years ago stop you getting a j1 visa to the US?

you may need to provide a police clearance for the job, but not for the visa. I'm not sure what a "caution" is, but if it doesn't show up as a conviction on a police record, then there's no problem.