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It is a type of flying vehicle that helps people get around. It's advantage is being a small aircraft that can land in areas that a big aircraft can't land.

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Q: What is the point of helicopter?
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In COD4 what is the helicopter's weak point?

The helicopter's weak point is the tail. I mostly use 2 RPG's to take it down but it will try to dodge them.

How does a pilot control a helicopter?

A helicopter is controlled with a joystick, which usually lies between the feet. Power is usually set at one point in flight and left until landing is necessary.

What transport dose not use wheels?

A ship, and a helicopter, I also want to point out to you that you spelled 'does' wrong.

Can I build a helicopter using a truck's engine?

Can you build the transmission and rotor hub, that's the real point

What is a purple helicopter?

A purple helicopter is a helicopter of the color purple. Really?

How does a helicopter take off straight in the air?

The rotor lifts it straight up, that is the whole point of having a rotor

Which is correct an helicopter or a helicopter?

Everybody I know says A helicopter.

How Hijack a helicopter in mercenaries 2?

when you get the mechanic, you'll get a grappling hook. When you want to hijack a helicopter, point the cross hair at it and if your close enough, it will come up with an option to grapple it. Click it and do the mini game and it's yours!

Why is there a fantail in a helicopter?

For the helicopter body to be in balance and direction to steer the helicopter.

Who flies a helicopter in the army?

A helicopter pilot flies a helicopter in the army.

Why won't a helicopter that hovers for 12hrs end up on the other side of the earth when it lands 12hrs later?

The helicopter that is hovering over a place on the earth is n bound to the earth by the gravitational force of the earth. This gravitational attractive force on the helicopter is directed towards the center of the earth. As the earth rotates around itself the helicopter is pulled along with it. So the point directly below the earth's surface does not get displaced. Thus the helicopter cannot move away from the spot. For the helicopter to get itself free from the gravitational pull of the earth it has to be lifted to a height of millions of kilometers, where it cannot hover because a helicopter requires the presence of air to hover.

How do you get on the helicopter on Counterfeit Island?

There is no helicopter.