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The plural of artichoke is artichokes.

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Artichoke Singular Possessive?

Artichoke is the nominative, or dictionary form of the word. Using an apostrophe (') between this word and an "s" creates it in the singular possessive form. Thus artichoke's is singular possessive. The possessive plural form is artichokes'.

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What is a cocktail artichoke?

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What is an artichoke bottom?

An artichoke bottom is the edible fleshy receptacle at the bottom of an artichoke flower.

What does the artichoke symbolize?

the artichoke symbolizes peace

How do you spell artichoke?

Artichoke is the correct spelling.

Is a baby artichoke the same as a cocktail artichoke?

No, a cocktail artichoke is a standard artichoke that grows in the shadow underside of the plant. It gets less sun so it doesn't develope as large as your common globe artichoke.

What is the plural of garlic?

The noun garlic is an uncountable noun, a word for a substance.Like many nouns for a substance the plural form is reserved for 'kinds of' or 'types of', for example:The garlics that did well this season are the porcelain and purple stripe, the artichoke and silverskin.

What cookbook has artichoke spinach dip recipes in it?

Jo Franks wrote a great book of artichoke recipes. It's called "Artichoke Greats: Delicious Artichoke Recipes, The Top 98 Artichoke Recipes." If you're interested in artichoke spinach dip, this would probably be a great book to check out.