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Scarves is the plural. The singular form is Scarf.

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Q: What is the plural for scarves?
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Related questions

What is the plural noun of scarf?

The plural noun of scarf is scarves.

What is the difference of scarfs and scarves?

"Scarfs" is not a standard plural form for "scarf." The correct plural form is "scarves."

What is a plural for scarf?

The plural form for the noun scarf is scarves.Anytime a singular word ends in an "f", the plural is created by removing the "f" and adding "ves" to the word. So scarf becomes scarves. Half becomes halves, calf becomes calves, and so on.'Scarfs' is also an acceptable plural of 'scarf', according to the Cambridge English dictionary, as well as Merriam-Webster's.

What is roman scarves called?

The word for scarf in Latin is "fascia". If you need the plural, scarves, it would be "fasciae".

How do you say scarves in German?

Der Schal (singular) Die Schale (plural)

What is the plural of the word thief?

The plural form for the noun thief is thieves.

How do you spell scarf?

A single scarf is simply spelled scarf. The plural form is scarves.

How do you spell scarf more than one?

The plural form of "scarf" is spelled "scarves."

What is a sentence for the word scarf?

The plural of scarf is scarves.Two example sentences with scarves in them are:He couldn't decide which of the two scarves to buy.People often wear scarves in cold weathers.

Can you give me a sentence using the word scarve?

Scarf is a singular noun for a length of fabric usually worn around the head, the neck, or waist. The plural of the noun, scarf is scarves. Example sentence: She had a large selection of scarves to match any outfit.

What are scarves with no end called?

Infinity scarves

How is the word scarves divided?

"Scarves" has 1 syllable.