Creative dishes [of food decorated to encourage the appetite] is an English equivalent of 'piatti creativi' on an Italian restaurant menu.
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Un ristorante italiano is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "an Italian restaurant".Specifically, the masculine singular indefinite article un is "a". The masculine noun ristorante means "restaurant". The masculine adjective italiano translates as "Italian".The pronunciation will be "oon REE-sto-RAN-te EE-ta-LYA-no" in Italian.
Dov'è il ristorante più vicino? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Where is the nearest restaurant?" The question also translates literally as "Where's the closer restaurant?" in English. The pronunciation will be "do-VEH eel REE-sto-RAN-tey pyoo vee-TCHEE-no" in Pisan Italian.
Dov'è il ristorante? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Where is the restaurant?" The masculine singular question references a dining establishment with fixed, tablecloth-covered seating arrangements. The pronunciation will be "do-VEH eel REE-sto-RAN-tey" in Italian.
Benvenuti al ristorante! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Welcome to the restaurant!" The phrase represents the masculine plural form even though it addresses all-male or a mixed female and male audiences. The pronunciation will be "BEN-vey-NOO-tee al REE-sto-RAN-tey" in Pisan Italian.
Un ristorante italiano and una trattoria are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "an Italian restaurant." Context makes clear whether a literal description (case 1) or of a restaurant type specific to Italian culture (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "oon REE-sto-RAN-tey EE-ta-LYA-no" and "OO-na TRAT-to-REE-a" in Pisan Italian.
Il bel ristorante is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the beautiful restaurant."Specifically, the masculine singular definite article il means "the." The masculine adjective bello* means "beautiful." The masculine noun ristorante means "restaurant."The pronunciation will be "eel behl REE-stoh-RAHN-tey" in Italian.*The second syllable --lo often drops before a noun which begins with a consonant.
"Delicious restaurant" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase ristorante delizioso.Specifically, the masculine noun ristorante means "restaurant." The masculine adjective delizioso means "delicious." The pronunciation is "REE-stoh-RAHN-the deh-lee-TSYOH-zoh."
Ristorante di luce is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "restaurant of light".Specifically, the masculine noun ristorante("restaurant") may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or the masculine singular indefinite article un, uno ("a, one"). The preposition dimeans "of". The feminine noun luce translates as "light".The pronunciation will be "REE-stoh-RAHN-tey dee LOO-tchey" in Italian.
Ristorante delizioso is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "delicious restaurant."Specifically, the masculine noun ristorante means "restaurant." The masculine adjective delizioso means "delicious." The pronunciation is "REE-stoh-RAHN-the deh-lee-TSYOH-zoh."
Per nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "to grandad." The prepositional phrase also translates as "for grandfather" in English. The pronunciation will be "per NON-no" in Italian.
Dopo di ciò is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "after that." The prepositional phrase literally translates into English as "after of that." The pronunciation will be "DO-po dee tcho" in Italian.
"The large cellar" is a literal English equivalent of the Italian phrase Il cantinone. The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase -- which most famously occurs as a restaurant name in Italy and which also translates as "the large basement (wine cellar, wine pub)" -- will be "eel KAN-tee-NO-ney" in Italian.