In alphabetical order, the waters of the Pacific touch the shores of 5 US states # Alaska # California # Hawaii # Oregon # Washington
In order to make money in pacific territories and nations.
California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska border the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.
The three city states in alphabetical order are: Monaco Singapore and Vatican.
United States comes first
Actually, there are eight rocky mountain states. In alphabetical order, they are: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Antartica ,Australia ,Asia ,North and South America.
Honey, Colorado would be first if we were going by the alphabet. So, yes, if we're talking about the six Rocky Mountain states - Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming - then Colorado would proudly take the top spot. But hey, who's really keeping track of these things anyway?
Hawaii is the smallest US state on the Pacific coast. Washington State is the smallest of the mainland states on the Pacific Coast.
New York, Alabama, China