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Q: What is the opposite of tangible?
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What word is opposite of tangible?


What the opposite of physical?

The opposite of physical is typically considered to be metaphysical or non-physical. This refers to things that are not tangible or material in nature, such as thoughts, emotions, or concepts.

What is the opposite of mirage?

The opposite of mirage would be reality - something that is clear, tangible, and not an illusion.

Is day an abstract?

Yes. It is a unit of time, or a condition (opposite of night). It is not tangible (able to be seen or touched).

What is the non example of option in a sentence?

Well a non example in a sentence is normally just meaning the opposite of an example sentence. For example: Tangible; Example They are waiting for tangible improvements in daily life.; Nonexempt; The clouds covering the sun make the sun tangible to see.

What is the opposite of a tree?

The opposit of a tree is a non-tree. It doesn't actually exist in the tangible world as it would grow underground and inside out.

What number is the opposite of 55.7?

In mathematics there are real and imaginary numbers. Real numbers include 55.7 as a tangible quantity, The imaginary and opposite number is (a negative or minus) -55.7.

What is the opposite of nebulous?

The opposite of nebulous is clear or defined. Something that is nebulous is vague or unclear, while something that is clear is easily understood or defined.

Is a car tangible or intangible?


What is the sentence of tangible?

Your case has no tangible evidence.

What is the root word of tangible?


Tangible has how many syllables?

Tangible has three syllables.