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cell splitting

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Q: What is the opposite of cell merging in excel 2007?
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Dividing a cell into more than one cell in Excel is called?

In Excel 2003, it was called splitting. To bring them back together it is called merging.

What is combining two or more cells in Excel called?

It is called Merging in Microsoft Excel. There is one issue though, you gotta be careful when merging as either of the cell value could get deleted.

What is it called when combining two or more cells in Excel?

If you make two or more cells into one cell, that is called merging the cells.

What is the opposite of cell merging which is done by selecting a merged cell and clicking the Merge and Center button?

Cell Splitting

What is MS-EXEL cell merging?

It is when you merge cells together in Excel. How do u not no tht u porn star

What is the column and row location of a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007?

Cell Reference

What is a cell in Excel 2007?

It is a single block in the grid on the Excel screen, formed by the intersection of a column and row.

What is the last cell of Excel?

In Excel 2007, I got XFD1048576. In Excel 2003, I got IV65536. In Excel 2002, I got IV65536. NOTE: You can open MS Excel, click a cell, then press Ctrl + Right arrow, Ctrl + Down arrow to get the result.

How many cell's in Microsoft excel 2007?

There are 16,384 columns (A - XFD) and 1,048,576 rows, for a total of 17,179,869,184 cells per worksheet in Excel 2007.

What is the cell address of the last cell of the Microsoft Excel 2003?

The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.The cell reference for the last cell in Excel 2003 is cell IV65536.

What is a text entry in a cell called in Excel 2007?


Can the condition of a cell only be true using excel 2007?

No. The condition of a cell can be either true or false.