Dissolution is physical change.
A term for a physical characteristic required for a job is "physical requirement" or "physical qualification." These refer to the specific physical abilities or traits that individuals must possess in order to perform a job successfully.
Physical or Behavioral.
Janie's most noticeable physical characteristic was her long, flowing hair that often attracted attention and admiration from others.
Coarseness is a characteristic, not a change.
Covet is a verb and cannot be a characteristic. A characteristic has to be some kind of noun. Covetousness might be a characteristic, and its opposite is generosity.
Covet is a verb and cannot be a characteristic. A characteristic has to be some kind of noun. Covetousness might be a characteristic, and its opposite is generosity.
a physical feature of an object
Opposite. Characteristic of maples in general.
a parallelogram has parallel opposite sides and its opposite angles are congruent
Density is a physical property; physical properties are measurable.
The size of a resistor is a physical characteristic that determines its power rating.
the physical characteristic of china is the product they have made fantastic
Mental or spiritual In Chemistry, the opposite to physical would be chemical.
Mental or spiritual In Chemistry, the opposite to physical would be chemical.
The flexibility is a physical characteristic of materials.