

Best Answer

It may be either Telugu or tamil .Both have pre Aryan and Pre sansckrit roots.Reaserch is going on.


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Q: What is the oldest Asian language?
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How do you say 1 to 10 in Asian?

"Asian" is not a language. Therefore, you cannot say 1 through 10 in "Asian".

Is Chinese one of the oldest language?

Chinese is not one of the oldest languages. It is old, but languages such as Sanskrit and Tamil are considered the oldest.

What did outsiders call korea in the 1600s?

Chosen(asian language) or State of the Japanese Empire

Why do Asians talk funny?

I think it's the whole English to Asian Language and Asian Language to English translation. I know an Vietnamese myself. In our language there aren't that many words like "the" or "it". For example an Asian would say, "The dog go play," instead of, "The dog goes to play," since if you translate the first one to Vietnamese it would sound normal. If you are talking about the way they sound, all people talk weird when it's their second language. They probably don't use it a lot, since Asian people stick to Asian communities (outside their work life), well at least my family does. So since the English language is used less common then their own language they are less likely to sound fluent with English. Also a lot of Asian languages of different tones. So, most of the Asians who sound weird are more of the older ones, and this is because they are use to the tones of their own language and have to get use to the new language. Also, a second language is a big thing. I am currently learning Spanish and if I went to Mexico, they will probably think I speak weird too. Another factor might be the letters in their alphabet. In Vietnamese there is no letter "R", so til today I still have an accent when I pronounce the letter "R", even though I learned English when I was 2. But in the end, it is really the structure of the second language that causes them to speak differently. Sidenote: If you are even in an Asian Salon, they are not talking about you in their language. They might be if you act snotty but they really rather just gossip about the family and friends. They only talk in their own language because it is easier for them.

What is the oldest recorded language of Tibet?

Old Tibetan, which was first written in the mid 7th Century.

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There is no such language or script as Asian.

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There is no single Asian language.

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No, it is an Asian language.

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The oldest word in the English language is town.

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sanskrit is the oldest language and it is still in use in HINDI rituals

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