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Today, actually. They gave away one of the legendary trios.

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Q: What is the next Pokemon Pearl Mystery gift date?
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Can you get maniphy on Pokemon Pearl?

get it as a mystery gift from Pokemon ranger

Can you send a friend on Pokemon pearl a Pokemon through mystery gift?

Nope, the only thing the Mystery Gift does is allow you to get event Pokemon

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Is there a 2013 mystery gift for Pokemon pearl?

No there isn't.

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you only can get a mystery gift on Pokemon diamond and pearl

How do you open the mystery gift in Pokemon Pearl?

When you receive it, go play Pokemon Pearl and go to the pokemart.

Can you get the arceus mystery gift in Pokemon pearl in 2013?

No you can't

After entering the keywords how do you claim or get a mystery gift in Pokemon Pearl?

Get a friend who also has Mystery Gift and do it. I think that's how.

How do you get the mystery gift for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Use an action replay

How do you connect the mystery gift via wireless in Pokemon pearl?

you dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could you get a mystery gift in Pokemon pearl?

no, you piece of cow manure

How do you get shaymin in Pokemon pearl without using an ar?

get it in mystery gift