It depends which model you are wanting to buy. You can always get an orange case if they don't have the orange phone itself!
How do you reset your voicemail passcode on Sprint phone
One can make an application for phone insurance under Sprint's Total Equipment Protection scheme on their website. Other companies such as Protect Your Bubble and Phone Claim do also offer insurance for Sprint phones.
almost all modern blackberry smartphones nowadays have BBM, so it does have it, and if it doesn't come with the phone, you can download it from BlackBerry App World or from the BlackBerry official site.
Sprint Corporate Headquarters is located in America and therefore can be reached by email, phone or by sending a letter. Sprint Corporate Headquaters has a 24 hour phone line for their customers.
The newest Blackberry model offered by Sprint is the Blackberry Q10. With a new contract and an unlimited data plan this phone will cost $79.99 a month.
Altell has the newest blackberry model and it's called the Blackberry Thunder 2.0. IT is set to compete against the new Android phone. Try and also, for more information.
One can download Sprint software for a Blackberry phone on Blackberry's website. Click on software and look under smartphone software to find the correct Sprint software for the phone.
this link will helps you
Sprint does carry a few Blackberry phone models such as Blackberry Style 9670 Smartphone, Blackberry Torch 9810, Blackberry Bold 9700 Smartphone, Blackberry Curve 8520 and Blackberry Storm 9530 3G Smartphone.
you have to activate it and they will give you a number or if you got an upgrade then you hav to turn on that phone and turn off the other one.
Yes, Sprint offer the Blackberry Curve cell phone. It can be purchased on Sprint's website, other websites, or at a Sprint store. It might be cheaper to buy a used one from another website.
sprint blackberry
No, they are not the same program. It can damage the phone. The Sprint network will not recgonize the sim.
I found that you can get a blackberry for free with a new 2 year contract with sprint. Check out the following website:
Sprint is the company that offers the Blackberry 9670. You can located sprint store in your area. This phone offers a large selection of things to use for such as camera and video.
The Sprint blackberry is said to have good service. Sprint is claiming to have more towers and more areas so this should help make cell phone service better.