Hi, yeah it's called a beret in french, but it is also known by "boina" in portugese.
Roy Halston, an american fashion designer, invented the pillbox hat
In the renaissance people mostly ate wild birds. Because they didn't have guns, and most men couldn't afford a bow, they had to be able to get very close to the birds. By crawling as low to the ground as possible while wearing a hat with feathers, they were able to appear non-threatening to these birds. This let them get close enough to break the birds necks with their powerful teeth.
Its a girl scout patch dipicting a wombat. You can get it by going to the Zoo and helping an old lady cross the lion pit.
a beret
Italians don't wear any special type of hat that's different from anywhere else in Europe or America.
A magic hat
really ugly hat
Je porte un chapeau
Sombrero ___~___
painters hat
He wore a Bowler hat.
Porter un chapeau = to wear a hat
i will wear the hat!
The color of a French person's hat can vary, just like with anyone else. It can be a traditional beret in black, navy, or red, or it could be any color the person chooses to wear.
Wear my Hat