The name of the Welsh Flag is Y Ddraig Goch. This means The Red Dragon.
Yes there is a red dragon on the welsh flag, the back round colours are red green.
There is no Dragon on the England Flag Theres one on the Welsh flag though...
There was a welsh dragon (red) that fought an English dragon (white) but the welsh dragon won and Wales was aloud to use a red dragon for the flag.
the welsh dragon is on our flag because ofWendell the King ofWales 100BC he though that the dragon representedwales and was as strong as a dragon no matter what
It's a dragon
The Welsh flag is called Y Ddraig Goch. In English this means The Red Dragon.
peace and happines
The Welsh flag consists of a bar of white on top and a bar of green on the bottom; in the center is a red dragon.
The welsh flag is green with a red dragon in a white circle.
Red Dragon....The Welsh flag has a Red Dragon on it
The dragon he red dragon was included to show support to the Tudor family and signify their welsh descent.