In the animated "Madagascar" films, the lion's name is Alex. He has been voiced by Ben Stiller in all three of the "Madagascar" films and is slatted to return again with the fourth installment of the series currently scheduled to be released in June of 2018.
Alex the Lion (Ben Stiller / Wally Wahlbert), Gloria the Hippotamus (Jada Pinkett Smith / Bettina Bush), Marty the Zebra (Chris Rock / Phil Lamarr), Melman the Giraffe (David Schwimmer / Stephen Stanton) Skipper the Penguin, Private the Penguin, Kowalski the Penguin & Rico the Penguin (Tom McGrath, Christopher Knights, Chris Miller & John DiMaggio), King Julien the Ringtail Lemur (Sacha Baron Cohen / Danny Jacobs) Maurice the Aye-Aye (Cedric the Entertainer / John Michael Jr.) Mort the Mouse Lemur (Andy Richter / Dee Bradley Baker) Phil & Mason (Conrad Vernon in both movie & game) Stefano the Sea Lion (Martin Short / Fillipo Volandri), Vitaly the Siberian Tiger (Bryan Cranston / Vladimir "Victor" Tschaikovsky) & Gia the Jaguar (Jessica Chastain / Roberta Vinci).
Madagascar used to be known as the Malagasy Republic.
The island off the coast of Mozambique is called Madagascar
In 1502, the island was named Madagascar by the Portuguese, after the island ofthe same name originally reported by Marco Polo.
The lion's name in Madagascar 2 is Alex.
The lion's name in Madagascar is Alex.
No. Today, lions live only in mainland Africa and northwestern India. However, in prehistoric times, lions used to live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. There were American Lions that lived throughout North and South America, and European lions called Cave lions, which lived all over Europe, including Great Britain. All of these amazing lions became extinct 10,000 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, probably due to overhunting by early humans. But lions have never lived in Madagascar, not now and not in prehistoric times. So to answer your question, lions have never lived in Madagascar.
There are no lions in Madagasgar.
Madagascar is the French name of it.
100 lemurs or 50 lions
There are real zebras, penguins, giraffes, and lions, but, they do not behave in real life like the animated characters do in the cartoon Madagascar.
Elephants do not live in Madagascar. The same goes with lions, zebras, and other animals that can be found on the mainland of Africa.
The highest mountain is Maromokotro at 2,876m high. There are 5.5 million people in Madagascar. In real life, Madagascar has no lions, giraffes, zebras, or hippos. The capital of Madagascar is Antananarivo Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. The average life span in Madagascar is 57 years Nearly half of Madagascar is covered with forest.
Alex's original name in Africa in Madagascar 2 is Alakay
Antananarivo is the capital and largest city of Madagascar.