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Technically the German (federal/national) legislative branch is das Parlament, or parliament, which is composed of two houses. The upper house is das Bundesrat, or Federal Council (similar to the United States Senate), and the lower house is der Bundestag, or Federal Diet (similar to the U.S. House of Reprsentatives). The Bundestag has the most political power, and in practical, everyday usage one refers simply to the Bundestag as the legislative branch. Again, however, it is technically one of TWO bodies forming part of the legislative branch.

The executive branch is composed of members of the Bundestag (Chancellor + cabinet), so we can say that the Bundestag is also partially the executive branch. The Federal President is a separate office, but a ceremonial office primarily, so real executive power is with the Chancellor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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The "Deutsche Bundestag" is meeting in the building called "Reichstag" in Berlin.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The German parliament is called "der Bundestag".

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Q: Name of the German parliament
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