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Q: What is the name of art and science of producing permanent images of objects on light sensitive surfaces?
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Related questions

How do objects on different surfaces?

Objects move on different surfaces by friction.

What kind of surfaces will form images of objects?

Surfaces that are smooth and reflective, such as mirrors or water surfaces, can form clear images of objects. Additionally, curved surfaces like lenses or spherical mirrors can also create focused images of objects.

How do object move different surfaces?

Objects move on different surfaces by friction.

A building in which objects of permanent interest are preserve and exhibited is called?

a building in which objects of permanent interest are preserved and exhibited is called a building in which objects of permanent interest are preserved and exhibited is called a building in which objects of permanent interest are preserved and exhibited is called

What are non-alcohol wipes used for?

Non-alcohol wipes are commonly used for cleaning surfaces, removing dirt and germs, and disinfecting objects. They are often gentler on sensitive surfaces like electronics and screens, making them suitable for use on items that may be damaged by alcohol-based products.

What force that resists the motion of objects or surfaces as they move over on another is called?

The force that resists the motion of objects or surfaces as they move over one another is called friction. It occurs due to the interactions between the surfaces of objects in contact with each other.

What type of surfaces have little friction?

Surfaces with low friction include ice, lubricated surfaces, and polished metal surfaces. These surfaces allow objects to move with minimal resistance.

What friction occurs when 2 solid objects are rubbed together?

When two solid objects are rubbed together, kinetic friction occurs. This type of friction opposes the direction of motion between the surfaces of the objects and is caused by the microscopic interactions between the surfaces. The rougher the surfaces and the greater the force pressing the surfaces together, the stronger the kinetic friction.

What factors affect the frictional force between two objects?

The factors that affect the frictional force between two objects are the nature of the surfaces in contact, the normal force pressing the surfaces together, the roughness of the surfaces, and the presence of any lubricants or contaminants between the surfaces.

Why can objects moves faster on smooth surfaces?


What is the force that acts whenever two surfaces or objects mass put past one another-?

The force that acts whenever two surfaces or objects are pushed past one another is called friction. Friction opposes the motion of objects sliding past each other, and its magnitude depends on the nature of the surfaces and the force pressing them together.

Objects that keep their magnetic properties for a long time?

A permanent magnet (in contrast to an electromagnet).