Health massage therapists are also called or referred to as masseuse.
habitue, fan, practitioner
Actually, Etymologically speaking, the word "massage" in English comes from a long line of derivatives as follows: the French word "massage" which means "the friction of kneading," which comes from the Arabic word "massa" which means "to touch, feel or handle," which comes from the Latin word "massa" which means "mass or dough."
The likely word is the French-origin noun masseuse(massage giver).
Superb is another word for excellent. Superb is another word for excellent.
Massage Practitioner was created in 1922.
Soft touch can be a key word for a sexual massage. Although it can be used in reference to a lighter pressure therapeutic massage, it is important to clarify with the practitioner.
Consultant, clinic, expert, practitioner, specialist.
Other common names are: Massage Technician Massage Therapist Massage Practitioner Holistic Health Practioner Body Worker
Health massage therapists are also called or referred to as masseuse.
Anyone can, as long as it is for relaxation pourposes. The practitioner can't claim to be treating the clinet as a patient (giving a theraputic massage).
The antiquated, but often used terms are, masseur for a male, and a masseuse for a female, but these usually refer to minimally trained people that perform massage that have not had any formal training in a massage therapy program.Some terms for formally trained people that perform massage are: Holistic Health Practitioner, Bodyworker, Myotherapist, and Massage Practitioner.
Anyone can, as long as it is for relaxation pourposes. The practitioner can't claim to be treating the clinet as a patient (giving a theraputic massage).
The word 'practitioner' is a noun, a word for someone engaged in a skilled job or activity; a word for a person.
Often, when a massage practitioner applies too deep of pressure too quickly, the recipient will experience a ticklish sensation in the affected muscle(s). That's why it is best for the practitioner to start out with light/moderate massage to warm the muscles up before applying any deep tissue techniques to the area.
In most instances you have to be licensed under massage therapy.
The massage therapist has graduated from a school with a diploma and has a license to practice massage. The student practitioner is still in school. does not have a diploma or license. There are minor variations from state to state, but that's pretty much it.