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When the principle Bull Fighter fights from horseback he is called a "Rejoneador", and the event is called a Rejorneo.

A picador is a mounted man with a lance whose job is to weaken a bull's neck muscles, and tire him somewhat before the main combat in an event called a Corrida de Toros. In this type of bullfight the bullfighter, or Torero, is on foot.

Both events are considered an art form of spectacle, not a sporting event. Until the fight is over the "Art" is the bullfighter's ability to control the bull and get as close as possible. Some bull's weigh 1,100 pounds or more and all bulls are perfectly capable of disemboweling a bullfighter until they are dead.

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The style of bullfighting in Portugal is styled ( Rejon) no precise translation, it does not mean, Re-join) is essentially a cavalry-oriented bullfight, with most of the action on horseback.

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